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Results for "submediums: Other - Quotation, main_practice: Questing"
Cynthia Ozick, Sacred Roads A visitor passes through a place
Jelaluddin Rumi, Teachings of Rumi The heart's the only house of safety
Ronald Rolheiser, The Holy Longing We cannot bypass a flawed family on earth
Wendell Berry, The Soul Unearthed The world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles
Joan Chittister, The Psalms Today is the feast of Joan of Arc
Nilton Bonder, The Kabbalah of Money Studying is a very specific livelihood terminology
James Swan, Dialogues with the Living Earth Undertaking a pilgrimage to a special place
Madonna Kolbenschlag, Eastward Toward Eve The personal life is a mirror of social challenges
James Swan, Dialogues with the Living Earth The act of making a pilgrimage
Henri J. M. Nouwen, Ministry and Spirituality The spiritual life does not allow bypasses